Quality food safety and environmental policy

SILVALAC, S.A. Management aims to show, by disseminating its QUALITY, FOOD SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, that it prioritizes quality, innocuousness and environmental   issues within the company and assumes full responsibility for the quality and the innocuousness of the product offered and its environmental impact uniting staff objectives to guarantee a correct management of the Quality, Food Safety and Environmental System.

Our efforts will focus on the following points:

1-APPLICABLE REGULATION:    Company policy includes the commitment to comply with relevant legislation and regulations as well as other requirements to which the company subscribes. That is to say, compliance with any relevant or future legislation that is applicable to its activities will be ensured.

Likewise, the company complies with the requirements of customers and all those that the organisation voluntarily subscribes to, including a commitment to improving working conditions and protecting the health of workers and continuous improvement of management and compliance with the Health and Safety of Workers.


the company will provide a framework and the resources which allow the development of the implemented Quality Management System, Food Safety Management System and Environmental Management System as well as to measure and review set targets and goals.

The company will establish and maintain these systems and all operations will be documented so as to demonstrate the monitoring and the running of said systems.


This policy is appropriate to the nature and to the environmental impact of the services and activities carried out by SILVALAC,   ensuring the aims of the organization in terms of services and products offered as well as environment protection and conservation of natural resources.

In order to do so, the company will aim to eliminate, reduce, reuse, and recycle all forms of waste; effluents or emissions generated and make an effective use of materials and resources. Similarly   elimination or minimization of all deviations produced and detected will be carried out as well as efficiently using the elements of the management system in place.

Evaluate risks and dangers for Quality and Food Safety, controlling and minimizing them at all times, through the effective implementation of the HACCP system and Risk Analysis.

Being aware that it carries out its activity in the food chain and is committed to informing its customers and consumers about any Food Safety issue that could affect them.


Continuous improvement of processes, products and services within the scope of their relationship with quality, Food Safety and environment will be promoted , evaluating repercussion of any new development beforehand , continuing the effort to develop and implement technologies that will reduce contamination so as to minimize the impact of the plant and offices on the environment as well as developing and introducing the necessary tools to improve the service offered so as to minimize detected nonconformity in the development of activities by SILVALAC, S.A.. Corrective and preventive actions will be taken to avert, the occurrence or recurrence of defects while carrying out the service.

5- INFORMATION DISSEMINATION:  Disseminate, control and demand that the instructions and actions outlined in the Procedure Manual be

known and respected to ensure proper application of policy principles.

SILVALAC, S.A.  will encourage dissemination of quality, food safety culture and environmental best practices in all areas in which it participates or to which it has access by working with and training its employees to improve activities carried out and raise their environmental awareness, by making them aware that the final destination of processed products is food contact and the impact they may have on the health of consumers.

The company will encourage internal and external communication at all levels between areas and companies, allowing efforts to be transmitted to staff and the market. Likewise, it will take into account internal and external relationships with stakeholders in order to guide activities to meet their needs.

6- SYSTEM EVALUATION: The editing of this Policy is aimed, in the short term, to pool our efforts to achieve the objectives by adopting procedures to establish Objectives and Targets and to review them as well as the policy itself so as to maintain efficiency and to be able to adapt to any changing environment.


To prevent contamination as a result of processes and operations carried out by the company, significant environmental impacts will be identified and minimized.

The company is committed to contribute to the minimization of pellets in the marine environment through the Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) program. To do this, it maintains the Risk Analysis system that guarantees the correct IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION OF LOSSES OF PELLETS.


All SILVALAC, S.A staff will be involved in Quality, Food Safety and Environmental Management. In order for this to happen, measures will be taken to encourage employees to develop a sense of responsibility and COMMITMENT to this system.

9- COMMUNICATION: We encourage external communication, both with suppliers and customers, as well as with the competent health authorities, both to convey their own concerns and the needs of our customers in terms of food safety.

Fulfilling the requirements and expectations of the market, constitutive parts and interested parties and, supporting the strategic direction of the company and trying that this Policy is communicated, understood and accepted as much by the personnel as by the board of directors that compose SILVALAC, S.A. and is available for the pertinent interested parties.

The adoption of this functional policy is a requirement for all SILVALC, S.A. activity as it is the achievement of these goals via the implementation of a quality, food safety and environmental Management System that will comply with ISO 9001, 22000 y 14001 requirements.

The successful implementation is founded on individual concern and involvement of all the employees under the guidance of the Management.